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Hey guys. I know I'm not the only one here who is very disappointed with how MW2 turned out. I think anybody that played a lot of Call of Duty 4 pretty much hates this game like I do. Now the game is bad but its not beyond repair. So here is my list of the problems in MW2 and how to fix them.


1. Commando: I'm pretty sure everyone has had this happen where they see someone running at them, put about 3-4 shots into the guy, but he keeps on running and knifes you. Yeah that's commando for you. Possibly the most annoying thing in the game. How can they fix it? Well my solution is to cut down the distance of the regular knife (without commando) in half; and then make it so commando brings your knifing distance back to what it is now (without commando). So this will mean if you don't use commando your knifing distance is halved, and if you use commando your knifing distance is what it is now WITHOUT using commando. (the other option is take it out of the game completely)

2. Noob Tubes + One Man army/scavenger: I'm sure if you've played MW2 you've ran into a guy using Noob tube with either one man army or scavenger to give himself unlimited noob tubes. This is a huge problem but a simple fix. When you scavenge somebody you get gun ammo and grenades and stuff, but you don't get more noob tubes. As for one man army how about making it so you can only switch to another class once per life. So yeah losers who use Noob tube + one man army can still get up to 4 noob tubes by switching classes once, but that's it. Also the time it takes to switch classes with one man army should be lengthened. Right now its 5 seconds for one many army, and 3 seconds for the pro version. How about making it 15 seconds without pro, and 7.5 seconds with pro.

3. Nuke Boosters: Guys who don't have the talent to get nukes legitimitely so they get a friend to help them. The simple fix is take out tactical insertion. 90% of the people who use tactical insertion use it for nuke boosting and/or glitching so why not take it out entirely. I know its not fair for the 10% who use tac insertion properly; but we all have to make sacrifices.

4. Horrible spawn system: If you've played MW2, you've had an enemy spawn with you in their crosshairs. There's no way to avoid it. This one is tougher to think of solutions; so far the best I can come up with is when you die you spawn the furthest distance possible from players on the enemy team and you are invincible from any damage for 10 seconds. That's just my solution, I'm sure if IW cared about the community they could come up with something better.

5. Overpowered secondaries: You could argue this isn't a problem; but come on, if you played any CoD4 there was the perk called overkill which gives you 2 primary weapons...well that's basically what it is in MW2. Everyone gets overkill. The fact that you can be a sniper and also have a shotgun or machine pistol is ridiculous. My solution is take machine pistols out of the game, and make shotguns a primary weapon. Pistols and launchers can remain the only options for secondaries.

6. Akimbo: Yeah akimbo is a problem, its overpowered completely and is not realistic at all. The only weapons where akimbo should be allowed is with pistols. Do not allow SMGs or Shotguns to be akimboed. Also when using akimbo pistols it should take longer to switch to them, take longer to reload and be less accurate.

7. Lag and host advantage: Dedicated servers. Bad Company 2 has dedicated servers. Why can't Modern Warfare 2? It would make it so everyone has a fair chance rather then the people with better connection to the host has the advantage.

8. Campers: Modern Warfare 2 has a problem. They are called campers. People that are so untalented  at the game they have to hide in a corner in a low traffic area to get kills. IW needs to find a way to discourage campers. So far the best solutions I've thought of are if you spend too much time in the same small area during a game (not counting snipers) then will get no XP at the end of the game. Solution #2 is if you stay in the same maybe 10 foot radius too long (not counting snipers) then you slowly lose health to the point where it will only take 1 bullet to kill you; and to get your health back you have to start moving around. Solution #3 kind of goes against my solution for the bad spawn system but if you get killed by a guy who is a camper (has been in the same spot for more than maybe ~10 seconds) then you respawn immediately, and you spawn directly behind the guy who killed you so you get a free kill on the asshole camper.


Okay so that's the end of my rant/solutions. If you guys have any other ideas let me know or if you think I should just shut up and deal with it let me know too.

I can't wait for Red Dead Redemption and ModNation Racers and also to buy Splinter Cell so I can stop playing this horribly broken game.