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Your predictions seem realistic enough, if not a little over the top. Here's how it will ACTUALLY be:

Cammie (comes out): Nintendo is amazing. We make lots of money. Mr. Miyamoto has been trying to figure out how to... *insert fun activity here*... he's decided to make... *insert game here*

(cammie leaves) (reggie enters)

Reggie: Nintendo is amazing. We make lots of money. But hardcore gamers hate us, that is why we are revealing *insert hardcore game here* (elitist, core journalists in the crowd cheer).

Reggie: Before I forget let me also reveal *the DS line up until 3DS comes out*. Ok DS is done, let's move back to more interesting things, shall we? (reggie leaves)

(Iwata enters) (room falls silent)

Iwata: We must innovate or we will die. That is why we are revealing *insert innovative hardware and software here*

(Iwata exits) (journalists are confused)

(reggie enters)

Reggie: Oh yeah, remember last year when we said we needed to innovate, well we've been working on it and today we can now reveal *insert old innovative hardware and software that will be released this year*

Reggie: So that's it. Happy e3! Oh wait... one last thing.

(lights dim)

(spotlight on Miyamoto with Wii Remote w/ motion plus attached)

(he does a bunch of wild motion controlled actions on stage while everybody laughs at him)

(lights come back on)

Miyamoto: That's right we are making Wii Music 2!!!!!!!!!