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Icyedge said:
CGI-Quality said

"Alan Wake not just raising the bar for Xbox360 in term of visuals, it’s raising the bar for this whole generation. Technically and artistically, Alan Wake is shaping up to be the best looking game this generation. From the real-time projected shadows produced by the essential flashlight, the total absence of aliasing (720p 4x FSAA), the breathtaking realistic lighting effects (the best I have ever seen), the epic scale of the environments, SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion), the atmospheric effects to the vegetation which interacts with characters and wind, and the absent of screen tearing. Truly impressive stuff."

--This wasnt said by CGI


If you forget that paragraph and the one that wasnt posted by CGI (particularly in this case since obviously the writer hadnt played the game yet), the rest of the article is well written and make a very good and valid point. I dont understand the hype sometime, its obvious you need to play a game before affirming things like that, even more so if your a journalist. But the guy seems more like a blogger than a journalist. CGI didnt post the last paragraph from the article because it was below the video, here it is lol:

"The best thing Sony did this gen is they let their first party devs to create games with one thing in mind: Taking full advantage of the PS3 power. That’s why we have been seeing PS3 exclusives looking better than Xbox360 games. Things are about to change now, as we are seeing games such as Alan Wake equaling or surpassing PS3 exclusives in term of visuals. And the most impressive thing is: Alan Wake is running on a $199 console with limited storage capacity (DVD9). It will be interesting to see what does Sony have up their sleeve at the upcoming E3."

equalling or surpassing, really? I thought it was "raising the bar for this whole generation."  Hes even promoting the 360 and his price point. When he should be talking about how great the developers are, hes saying that the most impressive thing is that the console that run the game is price at 199$ and is able to run it on DVD9 lol. I think its pretty obvious that the guy start with good point but extend to a fanboy level from those starting point.

Is this really what I have been thinking all along?!

