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well. in mi opinon i dont agree with what they said up there. i dont see lady gaga as the tipical pop star. i dont even see her songs as the tipical pop music at all.

with witch pop star can we compare lady gaga??. i cant think right now on anyone. there might be someone but i cant think on one right now. she is not the tipical "cookie cutter".

she is so different!!. i mean we have to at least admit that she thinks outside the box. she absolutely never does things that are really common in the music industry. you can see it in her lyrics, her videos, in her life style!. you can see how she dresses, how she acts now!. her personality, everything!!. in her concerts!. i mean as a good example i can name her VMA performance were she end up with blood and hanging from a rope or something??. she is so unique and original!!, an creative!!. she created a new trend.

and her music is GOOD, is sticky!!. and thats what makes an artist amazing for me.

and if being unique and creative and original is not innovative then i dont know whats is really. i might have the definition wrong in my mind then.