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trestres said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:
trestres said:
Kenryoku_Maxis said:

First off, its a port of an arcade only game, which usually makes people happy when its a fighter or a shoot-em-up. So all the people complaining need to look back and see if they ever complained so much about other games getting ported. Second of all, its a Dragon Quest game, a series 99% of you don't even care about. So this sudden interest to bash it as being a 'cop out' or 'lazy port' is pretty weak just from the principle that most of you just learned what the game is from this announcement.

I for one am glad that the game is being brought to the Wii. Both because I've always wanted to play it and because I've always said they should make a console version. The next best thing to them making a console version itself is porting the original game to consoles, so I may at least have a chance to play it. Even if I have to import it. I can't import an Arcade cabinet and hundreds of cards.

Also @trestres, We've had this discussion before.  Sales and popularity aren't the same thing.  Dragon Quest has a consistent history of ongoing and increasing sales.  While Monster Hunter is relatively new and is just now reaching the monumentally large numbers with the last few titles.  You can't compare as 20+ year series which every title has seen Million plus sales and is a national obsession in Japan to another series which basically started last gen and fluctuated between 1-4 million.

Famitsu is expecting MH to overpass DQ in popularity come MHP3. I think it's pretty safe to compare them, soon enough MH will be Japan's biggest IP in terms of sales outside of Nintendo's own games. When Pokemon became a mega hit no one said it was unfair to compare it to FF or DQ. Nowadays Pokemon is the biggest franchise happan has.

Uh...what?  Famitsu expects?  What, is Famitsu a quotable person now who gauges all of Japans popularity based on monthly polls?

Please do not bring Famitsu down to the level of something like IGN or Gamefaqs.  And my comment still stands.  You can't gauge 'popularity' based on 'sales'.

And as for your comments about Pokemon, people are throwing the 'Pokemon isn't an RPG' card all the time.  I don't, but at the same time, I understand that Pokemon and Dragon Quest have a similar fanbase.  As does Monster Hunter.  You're just the one who seems to be yelling from the hills that Dragon Quest is old hat and Monster Hunter is taking its place.  Its more like all three of the games have a general market appeal in Japan, and that's why they're selling so well.  Just because a Monster Hunter game sells 4 million doesn't mean the next Dragon Quest game will sell badly or be 'less popular'.

Need I remind you, Dragon Quest influenced both Pokemon and Monster Hunter.  And the fanbase knows this.

LordTheNightKnight said:
trestres said:
Cool, that's reasonable. As huge boost I was expecting you to say perhaps double its sales or 50% more. 5 - 10% makes a lot more sense. 500k sounds reasonable for LT sales, and seeing how DQ is very frontloaded, it could come close to that in its first month. But remember not always spin-offs fare well, look what happened to FFCC:CB.

DragonQuest spinoffs tend to fare better than FF spinoffs. Remember that Crystal Bearers outsold Chobobo's Dungeon on the Wii. Plus simply having a big franchise as the name does not sell a game. Chinatown Wars is more proof of that.

CB is basically one of those games Squaresoft made in the PS1 years. Those never sold big either.

The thing about Dragon Quest side games is, they sell real well, but they're not going to move hardware.  They're just made to sell to the existing Dragon Quest crowd.  I'm sure a few people bought a DS for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker and there might have been a small bump for DQ: Swords on the Wii, but not noticable.  The majority of Drago nQuest side games and remakes sell about 1-1.5 million to an established fanbase.  And its the main titles that sell to the mass market and push hardware.

I know Famitsu's track record isn't impecable, but saying they are irrelevant and mean nothing is pure bullshit. They are a very reputable gaming magazine and a sales tracker. They have been in the industry for many years, so I would say that majority of the people will listen to them rather than listening to you, I'm just sayin'.

Popularity = sales when talking about a product. DQ is still bigger, no one is questioning that, but MH is getting close really fast.

As for the bolded, I never claimed that, so the second part of your post suddenly became irrelevant.

Funny, because you're putting words in my mouth as well.  I wasn't saying Famitsu is 'irrelevant'.  Quite the opposite.  I was trying to point out your comment about how 'Famitsu is expecting MH to overpass DQ in popularity come MHP3.'  And I was pointing out that Famitsu doesn't state wild claims like that.  Because of the entire basis of what I've been trying to say.  You can't base 'popularity' based on sales charts and opinion polls.  Let alone the anticipation of one game.  If that was the case, people could have been saying for months that Final Fantasy was more popular than Dragon Quest simply because it topped all of Famitsu's 'most wanted' charts.  Yet Dragon Quest IX topped those same charts for years before it came out.

Its the same exact thing with Monster Hunter.  Please don't make me pull the 'show us where Famitsu said' card.  Because this whole back and forth about imaginary popularity bumps is getting rather personal and pointless.  Especially since you've already contradicted yourself multiple times.

Six upcoming games you should look into: