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Wyrdness said:
Tbh comparing DQ and MH's popularity in respect to how long each has existed has some flaws, in todays market things are more mainstream and the are a few more factors. In todays market if you hype and push something you can get high sales so a new franchise can rack up sales rapidly, Monster Hunter will never outsell DQ outright as the latter has better appeal to the west and is more accessible, MHFU has sold 4.5m but is out in all 3 regions, DQ has sold 4.3m and is only out in Japan (which MHFU has around 3.6m sales) with Nintendo publishing it in the west, I'll stick my neck out and predict it could push 5m possibly 6m under Nintendo if pushed as hard as first party titles.

This is DQs force in the mainstream compared to MH's mainstream drive, I'm a fan of both franchises but MH is far too complex to combat DQ's simplicity and characteristic charm, both these games are more popular in Europe then the US curiously enough and I'm seeing MH3 ads all over the place over here. MH needs to break it's handheld duck and be successful on non handhelds and Tri is achieving that but to take on DQ I personally don't see it happening as DQ has more chance of taking of in the west then MH and when it does sales could start reaching rediculous levels.

Izo? O_O