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leo-j said:
disolitude said:
Icyedge said:

I totally agree with you, we need a company that will be able to put all this together. Its only at that moment that normal people will get into 3D. I think Sony wants to be that company, its why I have some faith into their 3D products. But they are surely limited with the technology, so im also cautious like you are to see if they can really deliver. The release of their 3D tv and games will make for good dicussion soon enough. Do you think of buying a PS3 IF it works well since you already have the TV? (I think it will support checkerboard)

I know that 3D bluray will most likely NOT work using the PS3. Actually it will work but i will need this device...

So for bluray I will stick with my computer + bluray drive + nvidia 3D vision + powerDVD10 3D setup

But gaming works differently and I am 99% sure that the PS3 3D driver will support checkerboard as its not very hard to implement at all.

So I will buy PS3 for sure if 3D bluray works on checkerboard TVs...or if gaming support is..."adequate".

Actually sony has confirmed that it will support 3d gaming and 3d movies come june, and it will all be through HDMI 1.4

He meant the PS3 won't be able to display blu-ray 3D on his TV, not genereally