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Dolla Dolla said:
Jandre02 said:
Final Fantasy are global experiences. Halo is focused on America, and some spots of FPS fans around the world. There will never be a Xbox game that will compare to this game. Period. People have grown delusional over this year, even though the Xbox in its "breakthrough" year has outsold the PS3 by less than 1,000,000.

Really, Halo 3 outselling Final Fantasy? It wont happen. There are more RPG fans globally than FPS fans, and thats thanks mostly to the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy XIISquare Enix2.421.700.844.96
Im pretty sure FFXII was released a little over a year ago. It also was less advertised as previous installments. But hey, kudos on going to find the installment that sold the least amount.

 Okay now seriously, lol. Halo came out in 2001 right? What else came out in 2001....hmmm. OH! thats right Final Fantasy 10. Lets compare shall we?


Final Fantasy XSquare EA3.022.742.197.95

You Xbox fanboys need to start thinking about release dates when you try to make points. Comparing a game that has been on the market for 6 years to a game thats been on the market a little over one isn't very fair is it?