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gekkokamen said:

dude, you seem to know it all about Xbox Games Division and SCE finances! care to show the official numbers? how do you know this again? really? theorize all you want, you're not talking about facts either, none of us are. But expecting a price cut on one end , and expecting a Move bundle for over $350, ridiculous, won't happen.

Hmmm... so you are saying that since I use readily available information to back up my arguments they aren't as good as your simple personal beliefs and statements without any such support?  Interesting.  I guess I am expected to bow to your knowledge of the future.

I don't see what being an expert on SCE of Xbox finances has to do with what each console loses/makes.  I know for a fact Sony is still taking a loss and that even with the changes suggested (200 gram reduction and RSX size shrink) would only move them to a small profit.  This is from my general experience in computer hardware and having personally seen the results of die shrinks on costs many times in the past.  This knowledge I would have thought was very common as it has all been on VGChartz at one point or another.  Just because I don't feel the need to spoon feed everything to you doesn't mean you can just count it all off as nothing.  Do your own research.  You are grown up enough, are you not?

A PS3 + Move Bundle right now would cost $399 or more (Move bundle includes PSEye + Wand + Nunchuck + Game, the Move standalone pack is just Wand + PS Eye + game).  I said that if they are able to cut costs they could bring it down to $349 which still might be taking a small loss or just breaking even.  Sure Sony can launch a $300 PS3 Move bundle, but it will put them deap in the red again.