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Mazty said:
nightsurge said:
Mazty said:
Having been in gamestation yesterday, it looks like retailers are pushing Move way more than Natal. Going to be interesting if this is the case stateside or just US loyalty to US brands.

Lol what a strong argument you have based on clearly detailed and sound research.  Going to one Gamestation is surely a good representation of everywhere.

All sarcasm aside, I haven't really seen any retailers pushing Move or Natal yet as neither are close to release.  I expect around July they will start pushing the new hardware (after all E3 related showings and announcements).  So far, outside of retail channels and just involving the media, press, news, etc. Natal seems to be garnering a lot more interest and support.  It will be great to see what MS has in store for Natal at the special E3 showing dedicated to it.


Congratulations on being a dick.

Fact is the marketting in gamestation is far more weighted to Move than Natal, and I hardly think that's the store preference, but more likely the chains.

Plus Natal is gaining far more criticism....Not sure what you are reading but there was the leaked list of dev issues know for Natal, not to mention latency complaints and so on.
As far as marketting is concerned, which is going to seem more appealing - the eyetoy, or the eyetoy with the wiimote? Think about it.

Hmm lets see.  You mean that French blog post of past worries about Natal that were never confirmed?  I think I trust the dozens of news stories that have come out since then about the finished Natal product.  The ones claiming perfect body mirroring, no lag issues, etc.

As for your last thing, obviously an Eyetoy with Wiimote would be better than just an EyeToy.  But Natal would be better than both of those.  The EyeToy can only track 2D color changes and what not.  Adding the "wiimote" as you call it (otherwise known as PS Move), lets you track 2 points in 3D space, but direct view of the wands must be available and decent lighting is recommended.  This does have some drawbacks.  For example, if you watch the PS Move commercial showing off the fighting game, the elbows tend to get confused and not match up with the persons movements because nothing other than the 2 hands are tracked.  With Natal the full body would be tracked and mirrored.  Natal can track up to 48 points per person in 3D space and mimic even complex human movements like break dancing.  Add in that Natal can work in complete darkness and I think it is clear which is more appealing and more advanced.  Natal.