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The co-op mode in "Fable 2" was a pretty big disappointment. Not only did it not let you play as your own character, but it also suffered from lag, a bad camera and a host of other issues. The developers of "Fable 3" are trying to rectify their mistake with a more enhanced co-op mode, and apparently that includes the ability to impregnate other players and have children with them. Uh, score?

This month's OXM features a cover story on "Fable 3" which details some of the fancy new co-op activities, among several other new features.

Can't say I can recall another game which allowed you to rear children between two players over Xbox Live, and it does bear the question, what happens when one of the parents is a delinquent/goes on a murderous rampage. On second thought, that's just the sort of deviance Peter Molyneux would love!

"Fable 3" is scheduled to launch exclusively on Xbox 360 this fall.




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