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tombi123 said:
well in Japan FFXII sold more first week then FFX. Even though FFXII came at the end of the PS2's life and all the hype was for the PS3 and Wii. Mark my words it will outsell Halo 3 first week.

 Where are you getting that data from? I am looking at the VG chartz numbers and it is showing X with 100,000 more at Japans launch than XII. The launch data for X is absent for any other region so it is hard to make a comparison outside of Japan. Both of them are under VII though which set the record at just over 2 million. Further, XIIs launch in America saw it only take home 600k, which is way under what you predict for the American launch. While I am certain being the first new FF on a system will help, it is also hurt by a way way smaller install base (compared to XII launch).  I am betting you are off by around a million all said and done, but I could see the launch being as low as 2.5 million total for first week world wide.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229