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max power said:

First off, let me say that I have nothing against consoles.  I've had a console every generation from the NES to the current one.  Some genres I prefer on PC, some I prefer on console... that said...


I keep seeing "Top 10 FPS of all time" lists (which I should just ignore) written by people who never played an FPS on a PC, or before 2000.

Nothing against Goldeneye or Halo, but they simply don't belong on these lists.  FPS's were called "Doom clones" for the better part of the 90's, and for good reason. 

I mean, when Halo was finally released for PC, it got mediocre-crappy reviews... and deserved all of them.  The game simply wasn't that good.  I think the only people who were impressed with the game, were those who had never played an FPS before.


Of course, who cares about top 10 lists, that doesn't really effect anyone, right?  Right... but that takes us to the crux of the problem: MW2

Now I don't really game on XBL or PSN.  I kinda figured the games played the same on those services as they do on PC... dedicated servers, 32/64+ players, etc.  But apparently they didn't (for the most part).  Console gaming hadn't even caught up to Quake in terms of online play. 

And now developers are impairing PC games to "catch them up" to console gaming's crappiness.


I just think it sucks and this is my rant on it.

I'll admit I wasn't playing PC FPS back in the mid-late 90's all that much but the one thing that I distinctly remember about Goldeneye is a bunch of pc aficionado's, including many major PC mags admitting that it was a great game even compared with what was on the PC. You many not personally agree but it's not console only players that claim it's one of the greats.

Halo on the PC was not helped by the fact that it's release was delayed repeatedly, coming nearly two years after the console version and it had rather steep hardware requirements to boot.

edit: I've seen people struggle with the warthog on Halo and to be honest I just don't understand.  The controls for that thing, with the admittedly sharp learning curve, were great on both console and PC, one of the most satisfying game vehicles I have ever used.