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I think they are off by saying PS3 will pass Wii, but I dont think the Wii will have as big of a marketshare that it has now, I think that in 2010 it will be more like: 35% PS3, 40% Wii and 25% X360. I think they are right by saying the PS3 will pass the X360 in late 08-early 09 though. PS2-owners will switch systems eventually and since their franchises (for the most part) will be on PS3, they'll probably go there and I think that will show around late 08 - early 09.

I didnt have a PS2 (yeahyeah, shame on me), I bought a PS3 anyways though. I don't think I would've yet if I'd have a PS2 though since R&C is the only sequel of the big titles to come out yet for PS3, maybe I'm forgetting some games(?). But next year we will see alot of sequels coming out for PS3 that was on the PS2 earlier, and then I would've bought a PS3 for sure, what's the point in playing a gamefranchise when you can't see the ending of it..?

PSN: TrbSvns.