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RAZurrection said:
Vetteman94 said:

How many other companies have said they maxed out a console only to have another company produce better visuals later that year in another game? 

It's different coming from Crytek, even on PC where hardware power doubles yearly Crysis 1 is still the game to beat. Plus C2 looks a generation ahead of the games listed in the OP...why just to match it they'd need sequels that had a 500-600% improvement in graphics. 

Vetteman94 said:

I dont believe this,  I believe the PS3 will move past this like it did all other past "visual benchmarks" that it had.

They're not saying it won't get better, but any improvement would just be insignificant, like an expansion pack or God of War 1 and 2 for example.

Well from the pictures I have seen of Crysis 2, it is only an insignificant improvement over what is already available.