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From the characters in the poll who do you think would remai standing in an all out brawl.

Sora - From Kingdom Hearts 2 has defeated gods, sorcerors and even Cloud, Squall and Sephiroth. In his fight with Xigbar he was able to deflect shots from Xigbar that could move at warp speed. During the final battle with Xemnas he effortlessy cut through Skyscrapers, hit a skyscraper miles towards a flying ship breaking a metal barrier and then blocked thousands of lasers which can move at the speed of light. Includes Drive forms but cant use summons or the spell Stop.

Cloud Strife - Has an arsenal of spells and limit breaks including the Omnislash an incredibly fast attack. He also defeated the Bahamut, the Weapons and Sephiroth twice who was capable of destorying planets with his supernova.

Kratos - As a mortal sized person but with his god powers and the Blade of Olympus, he has defeated all powerful warriors, monsters and gods. He was able to throw the Colossus of Rhodes hundreds of feet with most his god powers gone. He fell off Olympus thouands upon thousands of feet and was unharmed.

Dante - Dont know anythingf about the character to be honest i just know hes supposed to be really fast and powerful.

Sonic - Can move at the speed of sound casually, and up to 5-10x the speed of sound. As Super Sonic he is much much faster most characters probably oculdnt see him move.

Ryu Hayabusa - An all powerful ninja with many abilities, is incredibly fast and has defeated demon gods.