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I suck at these predictions. However, I'll give it a shot just to see how close I'll get...

1st week = 1.10 M

2nd week = 475k

Sales on January 1st, 2011 = 5.5 Million

Metacritic score = 93

GameRankings score = approx. 92.70 %

Yes, I realize my predictions are quite skeptical in comparison to the other ones. But that's just my nature. I rarely get pumped up, because of many, many, many disappointments over the years, I've become a skeptical, bitter old man, who refuses to let himself jump on the hype train, no matter how awesome it looks.  

But, before I go, I'd like to say how DISGUSTED I am, since none of you have seemingly heard BowieZ's amazing fan-made songs. If a FAN can create something this great, I cannot imagine what the musical masterminds of Nintendo have in mind...