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Orca_Azure said:
How is that thug like? AT&T is being asked to come to Congress and provide "an explanation of the accounting methods used by AT&T since 2003 to estimate the financial impact on your company of the 28% subsidy for retiree drug coverage and its deductibility or nondeductibility, including the
accounting methods used in preparing the cost impact statement."

They want to know how AT&T said they'd lose a billion. It can't be that hard to back up a claim right? I've never really seen a thug say "we made new rules on our turf but we'd gladly like to talk to you to see how this effects you. please bring documents and information relating to how our business is damaging your wallet"

AT&T is going to present itself and its problems to Congress. Thug would be to ignore their cries and not give them an opportunity to prove their claims.

AT&T should not have to back up there claims. If AT&T wanted to just close there doors and walk away, they have that right. 

And what in the world do you think the government is going to do if AT&T proves they will fall under hardship? Give them money? Give me a break.

What will happen, is the CEO will sit there, and get yelled at for 6 hours by congressmen. It's not an invitation, it's an order. I am sure the CEO of AT&T can't just say to congress "Thanks for the offer, but I am not interested."

Besides, AT&T is a multi billion dollar successful company. Who do you think has a better accounting department? Them, or the federal government?Explaining how the expenditure of money effects profit to Congress, is like explaining how a computer works to a dog. They won't understand.