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Final_Fan_ said:

5. It's ok, but it doesn't bring anything unseen to the genre. It's worse than in FF XII, VII, X, and X-2. Not to mention JRPGs other than Final Fantasies.

4. JRPGs are by standard very far from your Dungeons & Dragons, real RPGs. To put it simply, JRPGs are not RPGs. Even if the characters or their equipment gather levels it doesn't make the game an RPG. Nor do world maps, towns, random NPCs, or quests. FF XIII is an action game disguised as a JRPG. It's one of the most simplistic JRPGs ever, in a way, the culmination of JRPGs.

3. I beat Final Fantasy XIII and I'm still waiting for a story.

2. Sazh is the only likable character in FF XIII. He is actually one of the best FF characters. I just wished Vanille and Hope were cut from the final build. I mean geez, when FF X came out I thought Tidus was the most annoying FF character eva, then came Vaan but FF XIII took the cake with not just Hope but also Vanille. I'm a grown man, I've played games all my life and I've been a Final Fantasy fan ever since FF VII was released in Europe, and I don't want to look at a preteen crying over his dead mother. Come on Squenix, you came up with Sazh and then gave us Hope. As Kratos himself, slayer of gods, put it "Hope is for the weak."

1. This point has nothing to do with Final Fantasy XIII being the best in the series. There is a reason why Final Fantasy X-2 has a higher metascore than Final Fantasy XIII, it's simply a better game.

LOL, you must be young.  Originally the term "RPG" in video games was used to describe games with a turn-based menu driven battle system.  Why?  Because of their similarity in mechanics to RPG board games.  After years of the term being use this way, a D&D licensed video game was made.  They decided to use an action system instead of a turn-based system.  That is when the confusion began.  Since D&D the video game was on the PC, they started calling it and similar games "Computer RPGs" and the traditional ones "Console RPGs" since the better known titles of that time were on arcade consoles.  Once these "Computer RPGs" started showing up on consoles it became more confusing.  Since "Computer RPGs" were dominantly made in the western countries (U.S. and Canada), gamers started refering to them as "WRPGs".  Since the traditional turn-based video games were being developed mostly in Japan they were refered to as JRPGs.

So JRPG = Console RPG = traditional RPG = more like RPG board/dice games = "real RPGs".

Also WRPG = Computer RPG = adventure games like the one titled D&D = "faux RPG".