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5. I really do enjoy the battle system so far it is the bast part of the game.
4. I really disagree with this. Towns also bought a change of pace and in some case direction on where to go. The whole game is too linear and Chapter 11 was too little to late. If I play this game twice there will be very little variation from the previous playthrough. Others will experience roughly the same. Hidden treasure isn't so hidden. I also miss the overworld map to me that represented accelerated travel and also gave you a good idea of the lay of world. I can go on forever about this but this almost ruined the game for me.
3. The story was pretty weak. I mean for the first 10 chapters you don't even know why you are fighting...except the government hates L'Cie. No Final Fantasy ever had a great story but this is a weaker FF in terms of characters and Story.
2. Sazh or Snow are the most likeable characters in the game but I woudln't say believeable. I mean its hard to care about the characters in this game.
1. I am glad they went multiplat it increased its audience in doing so.

I did enjoy FF XIII but it was because of the Art Design and Graphics. Chapter 11 was perhaps the most fun with the mission system but the game left a lot to be desired IMO. It has not stopped me from recommending it. Given the length of the game that is still a impressive.