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trangentspree said:

I'm not sure you needed to rolecaim this early j0, Falcon is MIA (is anyone able to get in contact with him?) and from Nordlead's last post it seems that he doesn't have very strong suspicions of you. I would be interested in hearing from Nordlead about just what role he had you pegged as that would "prevent [you] from being human and acting the way [you are]" I myself had no intention of bringing the day to a close until we had heard something more from these two, or from Falcon at the very least. But you were at L-2 I suppose.

Anyway, so your roleclaim seems to make you a kind of Zombie Bodyguard? It's a role that strikes me as difficult to either prove or disprove. But I am interested in that you state you're unsure about whether the results are the same for night actions other than nightkills (your example being cop investigations.) Wouldn't your role PM make this clear to you, in whether it uses the word 'nightkill' specifically or 'night action' more generally?

This is just what springs to mind though. I'm not decided about whether I believe you or not right now.

[edit for typo]

The role PM only talked about the person who I hugged being targeted for a night kill. Never really occurred me to ask WoW... :-/ 

And I roleclaimed now because I already had quite a few votes for me, and none of you bastards discussed with my explanations so it felt grim for me... >_> 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."