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That is, until the first weeks of the upcoming 360 exclusives. But after those respective first weeks, PS3 should come out on top of the software race once again. Reason being:

360 SW this week: 1.756 million
PS3 SW this week: 3.356 million

God of War 3 + Yakuza 4 = 1.486 million

PS3 SW - God of war 3 and Yakuza 4 = 1.870 million

Without the new releases, PS3 software is still above the 360. And of course, God of War 3 is going to continue to sell. Upcoming 360 exclusives aren't going to blaze the trail like crazy, and will not be enough to pull SW ahead until Halo Reach and Natal come out.


4 weeks in, I'm still correct. Next week, 360 will be on top. But the week after that, PS3 will be on top again.