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5) Not too keen on the battle system really, too much button mashing for me. I also tend to find some of the battles with the higher HP enemies very tedious as it seems to be a case of once you stagger them they are beaten and it's just a case of wearing down their health as they are permanently stuck floating in the air!

4) Couldn't disagree more. There is nothing this game needs more than something to break up the endless battle/cutscene/battle/cutscene sequence of the first half of the game.

3) Half agree. The story is interesting and certainly better paced than XII but I thought VII and IX were much told much better.

2) Definately agree here. Sazh is by far the most interesting character in the game, unfortunately Lightning, Snow and Hope are awful (imo!)

1) Inconsequential to the quality of the game.

All that said, I haven't finished the game yet so my opinions could change somewhat.