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fighter said:
i'll take you up on the bet

oh, and btw, no analysis could predict the result except the will of companies to invest

I'm currently working in a marketing company. And we have good relations with alot of gaming company's (That includes Microsoft & Sony). We research what's the best way to advertise a product for a certain focus group. Microsoft asked us before to make a survey for about 15000 people (Aged 12 (Most parents helped children under 18) - 60 ), about controller-less gaming and if it would (re-)ignite their gaming - flame. The survey wasn't so possitive at all, with alot of 40+ people saying that the Wii fullfilled their gaming needs / they didn't feel like gaming anyway. I don't think natal will be a great succes at all. I'm not saying the Move is any different, but it's more like the Wii then Natal, and seems to focus a bit more on Hardcore games / Unique experiences (Heavy Rain) .

That's why I think that when both Natal and Move are launched, the Ps3 will keep on selling better then the 360. And since no analysis is conclusive, your statement is as bold as they come.