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5. I don't really like this battle system. Battles are beautiful to watch, but they're so fricking boring to do! What you do is too simple: pick a party, choose paradigms (which kind of work like Gambits, so why do people like this better? I don't know), enter battle, use first paradigm maybe twice especially if it's a buffing one with Haste, then go Ravager on them, immediately Commando because you'll somehow be able to attack again with a full bar (why? Still didn't figure it out yet, maybe a glitch), sometimes Heal, rinse and repeat. Very dull and the battles take forever. Huge stepdown from the battle system from FFXII. That one was perfect, and it had no loading for battles (because YES, in some battles you see the sky and then it goes down to the enemies instead of just seeing the enemies. THAT'S a loading my friends)

4. I also disagree here... because there are towns! OK, OK I know what they're saying, but at the same time, I didn't buy one single item from the online shop. So they're not really necessary anyways. No world map doesn't hurt the game, especially how it's made with the Chapters and all. Could have been like FFX at one point though with some fast travel? Note that I'm still at Chapter 11, which takes forever. I likey!

3. Hmmm, what are they actually saying here? That FF is all action, but I had a hard time following what was going on at the beginning. Luckily, the datalogs are there so it's all good. I'll surely appreciate the faster-paced story when doing a new game, but FFX had the best story all around IMO.

2. What can I say here?

1. That point is totally irrelevant to how it makes the game good or not.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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