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Seems like this generation is going to the be the first gen to be a success to every console out. There really isn't any console dominating as bad as the other generations. Usually the top console greatly outsells the competition and takes over 3rd party developers. But this gen it's the HD console that take over the 3rd party developers so really everyone is getting the games they want. 

Another thing is the sales. Usually the top console is dominates the competition in every region, but this gen is slightly different, when it comes to LTD sales right now for the Wii it's sold much more then the HD consoles did, but the weekly sales at the moment are completely different, the PS3 is actually selling close to the Wii in Japan and Others, and as for America the X360 is not to far away from the Wii either. By the looks of it both the HD consoles shouldn't have a problem getting over 60 million by the end of the generation (could be way higher just saying 60 million is a pretty obvious number that the HD consoles will hit) while the Wii should be well over 100 million, compared to other generations that's a huge improvement.

A good thing that happened was that there was a split in buyers, the Wii controls the casual market while the HD controls the hardcore market. So instead of buying a console and having a bunch of games you don't want you have the option of picking and whatever console you pick your guaranteed to get a lot of high quality games, because no company right now looks like it's going to die out for a long time so you know your going to continue to get great games.

So in conclusion, could this actually be the best generation of gaming yet?