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the 40gb sku was never percieved as a gimped model in real life. Only on some online boards catering towards hardcore gamers, and many of those gamers are really xbox360 fans, did the idea that it was gimped have any play.

The market wants the price down, and thats it. They don't have a huge need to buy ps2 games. The best ones (as in new ones) have a ps3 version anyway.

I'm suprised but it looks like the PS3 will outsell xbox360 for the holiday season...I thought the price would have to come down further.

I'm also surprised that the ps2 is also going to have another good end of year. It's being pushed at kb toys and others...wise move by Sony and some retailers...the ps2 is the alternative to the sold out Wii.

Sony gets a break from Nintendo misstep in not making enough Wii's to cover the demand. They all get a break from Microsoft who didn't even show up with a portable this year.

Add up the real total of systems sold without making non-sensical disctions, like 'thats last generation' or 'thats a portable' (so what, its still a sale)...take a business approach, and you see Nintendo in the lead, Sony very close behind, and a way, way distant third, Microsoft.