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Smashed said:
Azelover said:
Smashed said:
Bamboleo said:


Copying Nintendo controls is already embarrassing enough, but this is absolutely insane.




Get real kid. Nintendo didn't invent it.

They came up with the design and implementation, so how didn't they invent it?

Sony fans, I love you, but you're the kings of spin.

Nintendo did not invent motion controls.

Move has the same design, so? What people fail to realize in this industry is, companies use other ideas from other companies.

Sony was the first to design dual-analog controllers, Nintendo did it, so did Microsoft.

Do you see anyone getting butthurt over it?

Oh yes, I'm very butthurt. In fact I have a PS3 and it was expensive enough without Move.

It's not motion controls, it's a motion controller. Big difference.


The design and implementation is virtually the same with a few tweaks. Please stop arguing that, it's pathetic. I have better things to do than discussing the blueness of the sky and so does everybody else.