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Listen so it goes like this:

I, like many other men above a certain age, have to shave. My facial hair is thin so I don't shave often, but I do shave. I usually shave with one o them Schick or Gilette dealers - I couldn't tell you without looking at them - the ones with the cool commercials. Semi-permanent, the kind where you replace the head every once in a while (a long while for me).

So I lost the body of my razor not too long ago, and, thinking it was an okay idea, grabbed a few disposables. I mean, what could it hurt?

As it turns out it can ruin my face.

I don't know if it's because I have skin like a newborn baby mouse or what, but the disposable I bought cut me more in one use than every other time I've cut myself shaving combined, and also it didn't even cut my facial hair that well. It took four times as long to cut off the sam amount, and it looked worse (and injured me) to boot!

About halfway through it I said "screw it", threw the damn thing away, found on of my decent blade heads, and held the head using my fingers, shaving that way. Smooth as a baby's butt, and oh-so-pretty.

I threw the other disposables in the garbage immediately thereafter.

Let's, uh. talk about shaving... I guess.