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What AAA game has Square Enix produced recently?

Blind devotion of JRPG gamers and Final Fantasy fans will stand by their beloved Square Enix. It sickens me to the stomach thinking about it. SE only care about money and the lack of quality in the garbage games they have shovelled out has been an insult and slap in the face to gamers.
The Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, rehashes of old FF games on the portables. To cap it off the launch of the most over rated and over hyped piece of garbage of a JRPG of all time. Final Fantasy XIII.

Graphic whoring. Final Fantasy XIII fits that bill perfectly. Sure it has good graphics not the best. Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War 3 and Killzone 2 all have better graphics than Final Fantasy XIII. Besides graphics Final Fantasy XIII has nothing to offer. It is not a game. FFXIII is just 20 to 30 hours of FMV cut scenes broken up with 10 hours of gameplay thrown in and a poor structured story. FFXIII has the plot of a B-Grade movie.