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I voted for graphics whoring, but I'm also not liking the hateboyism but I wasn't big into the gaming community before this gen so maybe it's always been there.

Something a little more complex I'm not liking is the abandonment of "realism". Now I don't mean realism as in realism in the terms of the laws of nature of our existence, but each game sets it's own laws of nature which define it's realism. When a game seems to set that realism, and then contradict it, it throws me off, and completely removes immersion for me. Best known example, Uncharted 2. So much in the game defies it's own definition of realism (especially since in large degrees it attempt to mirror our own reality) that I couldn't enjoy the game. I know I'm very alone in this thought/idea, especially in regards to Uncharted 2, but it really bothers me when I encounter this.

I can't remember the other games this happened for me with, but it's completely new this gen, it's never happened before.