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puffy said:

I just watched the latest Kevin Butler ad based around the PS Move controller and couldn't help but notice something.. Skip to 1:00 and watch for the grenade throw, I'm quite sure Socom 4 uses one Move and one sub, not two moves but correct me if I'm wrong :P

well this shows that people didn't listen to what Move is... there is a Camera... that do MOST of the work by making the tracking of the Move light ball, upper body movements (gamer) and in the upper body of the gamer there is the arms... those arms can be used to do movements (like trowing a grenade)... the sub-controller its just to ease up the usage of an analog stick. the accelerometers in the Move do only the rotation and orientation of the wand, the 3D space position and 3D movements are all captured by the Camera (with a little help of accelerometers just to keep it very precise) that is why Move is noting like competition...

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