Akvod said:
You can't play like Halo or CoD. You have to run from cover to cover. You ever play KZ2? (not sure if you're a multiplat in reality) You have to run to cover. Crouch. Peek open, shoot some people. See if the coast is clear, run again. Get to objective A, plant charge. Get to cover. Peek over. Rinse and repeat. It's not about strafing, but about position. |
Im doing pretty much that. But maybe I still stay for too long in the open, peek for too long and run too straight instead of flanking.
But I also feel the aiming in this game is so hard. It simply is hard to shoot people. I get most of my kills with the noob-tube. :/
Sniping also is very hard. I don't even get one kill per magazine wit the sniper rifle cos there's no zoom.