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bmmb1 said:

Regarding "The novelty has worn off a bit, and the (graphically weak) hardware is showing its age (painfully so, compared to PS3/360). I think most people who ever wanted a Wii have one by now.
Additionaly I get the feeling that many Wii owners are starting to buy HD consoles because they are dissatisfied with Nintendo's software flow AND want better graphics." -       ALL these (novelty worn off, painfully weak hardware, everyone who wanted one has one, Wii owners want to move on to the real thing) are just personal feelings that I have repeatedly read from people who are not exactly in love with the Wii also in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Do people airing these opinions think that repeating them will make them come true?

All I can say is that the Wii during the first 2 months of 2010 has been supply constrained (as has been reported) so to draw conclusions from these 2 months would be false - just like it would be false to draw an opposite conclusion from December 2009 (just 2 calendar months ago.., remember?), where Wii shattered (decimated) the console sales record.

did it better than ps2? any evidence of bestselling month of ps2 and wii to see that it decimated sales and decimating is atleast with a couple of 100k.