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leo-j said:

I agree with rol, that SONY would not have invested as much as they did on the PS MOVE, had the wii not been such a breakthrough success..

but that does not mean sony were not looking into motion control development.. considering the fact a concept similar to the PS MOVE was in development with eye toy, 6-7 years ago..

Nintendo did the smart thing, release a product at a much cheaper price than the XBOX or PLAYSTATION, *$400 and $600 respectively* at around $250, bundle it with a game, and develop a control scheme, that brings something different to the table. The price made it an ideal choice for consumers, and then the control scheme began to take over.

Thats the way I see things.. I dont believe it is a RIP OFF, but the consumer may believe it is.. unless something like the following is shown in stores, to show how it differentiates from the wii

nor anything like this:

that last tech demo, is jaw dropping PERFECT 1:1, the combination of the PS EYE and MOVE is genius..

and sure that pic may look similar, but you don't need a sub controller, you can just use a DUAL SHOCK, the sub controller is just for easier use of analogue stick..

functionality is VERY different..


