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It's funny that this should come up, I am a "Political Science: International Affairs" student.

Cuba actually admits to unemployment around 2%, however this is deceptive because many people don't go to their assigned jobs because they can't survive off the wages so they work in the black market economy. Prostitution is not as prevalent as many US politicians make it seem. It is there, but it is less than the US number of prostitutes per capita. People in Cuba who try to work an honest job can not get enough to eat, unless they drive a taxi or work in tourism. Housing is as bad as Itsamii says.

Soriku, I thought you were a Republican? Republican is as far as you can get from Communist. Not fascism, because both are authoritarian.

The following descriptions are just a simple outline, there are exceptions and variations within each example.

Republican is open market w/minor regulation, low-social support (far right wing of the GOP would be no social support), and representative-democracy.

Democrat it is almost the same = open market w/minor regulation, low-social support (far left wing of the Dems would be moderate to high social support), and representative-democracy

Socialist (moderate, non-revolutionary) = open market w/ high taxation and moderate regulation, high level of social support, and representative-democracy or parliamentary

Fascist/Nazi/Radical Right = government controlled or assigned production but open or mostly open market pricing, some comprehensive social programs (usually infrastructure, food, and medicine) but some areas left completely unattended/underfunded or misused (prisons, mental health, public information), authoritarian (Usually associates with a religious entity)

Revolutionary Socialist/Communist = closed market, some comprehensive social programs (usually infrastructure, food, and medicine) but some areas left completely unattended/underfunded or misused (prisons, mental health, public information), authoritarian. (Also, discourages or eliminates non-party influences like other parties or religions) (note: Infrastructure, food and medicines under these gov'ts are usually lacking because of the lack of profit motivator)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.