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Soriku said:
Here's what my friends (and I) came up with:

If we had Communism, we'd have to make it sorta similar to how the Native Americans lived. ie. A system of trade. And you can't basically steal something because no one owns it. Here I go:

Communism, in my mind, would be a system of trade. For example, if a person wants to become a vet, let them be a vet. A cook, let them be a cook. Now say for example there is a farmer, OK? There is also a vet. If one of the farmer's animals get sick, the vet tries to make the animal well again. In exchange for the vet's services, the farmer gives the vet food in exchange for healing his animal(s). Sound fair enough?

Heh what if everyone wants to be the vet, heck or the farmer? Whos to say how much food is worth the exchange, and what type of food?

Now for the labor: Everyone has to do work to accomplish something. If you don't do work, or are lazy, well you don't get anything in return. This system if trade is, well, complex. You don't do your share as you're supposed to, you don't get anything. If you want to live, and don't want to starve to deah, you do your work and if you don't do it then no one gives you anything in return. It's that simple.

Communism is based on everyone getting the same, even if everyone works, what happens to the people who work harder do they get anything in return? This is the benefit of capitalism usually the harder workers are the ones who succeed. Your example of how if you dont work you starve is capitalism.

Now for the people who CAN'T work due to problems they have: Someone takes care of them. A doctor, perhaps. If someone is good at doctoring, let them be a doctor. You don't want a novice/amateur, you want someone who is devoted and is responsible and smart enough to take the job. Now the doctor and their family takes care of them, and for the doctor's service, the family trades something of their specialty for their service. Sound fair?

I think this would also stop war. There might be trouble, but that's why you have the military. Instead of bringing the whole military in, branch them off to small groups we now call "police" or back then, the "knights." They take care of things. If someone is being an idiot, causing MAJOR (I mean MAJOR) and maybe even killing, well, you shoot them. But why would you kill in this situation? (IIRC) 99% of the killings in the US is due to people getting high and taking drugs. Make drugs illegal.

No not really, doesnt change anything in difference in believes in country, i dont see how this works AT ALL

Now for the bad:

I don't think we'd have such a modern society as we have now. We might not be as advanced. Communism is now an extinct thing BECAUSE we've been using Capitalism for hundreds of years. Communism sucks now.


Anyone share opinions?

Your opinions look good on paper soriku and thats as far as they go


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