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Lost tears of Kain said:
dabaus513 said:
Why are all the 360 fanboys (Lost and i love360 or whatever the hell..) getting pissed at this thread? i just watched the 1up preview as well and am glad dallinor took the iniative to create the thread. If he really wanted to stir p trouble he could have been like "yeah its gonna sell mor on ps3 cuz im like eugene and pull random numbers from my ass" or "haha lost odyssey flopped in japan why does ms even bother with japanese games?'' You 360 fanboys are the ones causing trouble here, not the creator.

Anyways, im stoked for dmc 4, tho i wish they would make the narritive a bit darker in tone, its just to whacky now it seems.

Really yes i bolded parts to stir up shit, yea that was me. No he did not concentrate on the game he concentrated on how the ps3 version was superior.

 Who gives a shit that he focused on the ps3 being better, appaently it is accrding to 1up. Ur just making an ass of urself this whole thread lost.