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jarrod said:
maximus22 said:
jarrod said:
TheNoobHolocaust said:

Let me clarify what Sony has to match Nintendo games

Mario = Little Big Planet

Zelda = The Last Guardian(Team ICO game)

Wii Sports = Sports Champions


Sorry, nowhere even close. 

True.  Little Big Planet is a lot better than Mario games (as much as I love NSMBwii).  Zelda and Wii sports are going to be tough to beat but I haven't played TLG or sports Champions so I can't say for sure.  And neither can you for that matter.

Sports Champions comes from London Studio.  It's the Eyetoy/Singstar/This is Football team... so yeah, I think we can be pretty safe in saying they'll most likely fall well short of about *anything* EAD shits out.

LBP is a great construction kit wrapped around a floaty, rather shit platformer.  Super Princess Peach has more solid platforming and mechanics, nevermind the mainline Marios.  NSMBWii absolutely rapes it.

Zelda and Trico could be a draw though.  And I say that as a HUGE Zelda fan.  Ueda's previous efforts were fantastic.

I'm inclined to agree with you on the Sports Champions front.  My expectations are not too high but I'm giving Sony the benefit of the doubt since this will probably the packaged game that comes with the Move starter kit and I highly doubt that Sony would release anything less than a very good game to show off Move's capabilities.  Even Sony haters would agree with that.

Now to the more important point. Saying that NSMBwii rapes LBP as a platformer is simply absurd to the point of comical.  While I agree that LBP can be glitchy at times, it is better in any category I can think of with the possible exceptions of crisp control.  And even that is such a small disadvantage that it is almost unnoticable.  Let's see, to list a few things that LBP does better: visuals, scope, soundtrack, replayability, variety, multiplayer, customability, physics, presentation.......   Don't get me wrong, I love NSMBwii with a nostalgic passion that I have for no other.  But to be honest, it is a last gen upgrade to Super Mario Bros. 3 and just can't compete with LBP on, ALMOST, any front.