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super_etecoon said:
dtewi said:
Don't forget that Dtewi has the highest post to threads ratio.

 This is a commonly misused statistic.  While it is true that the Dtewi has a much better post:thread ratio than other competing spammers....these simple numbers do not paint the whole picture.  While the Dtewi may generate a handful of solid posts in the course of a normal forum month....the overwhelming super majority of these posts are what are known as shovelposts.  These are simple, often illogical attempts at such genres as humor, human interest, and Soriku Flirting. 

Unfortunately, many of the forum users are new to foruming and are what can best be termed as casual or non-posters.  They have no idea that there are actually very good posts out there and simply read whatever is on the Hot Topic board.  Dtewi does very well with these forum members.  Many analysts believe that this could actually be a good thing for the forum, since Dtewi's posts could have the effect of drawing in new posters and making this forum's numbers higher than they have ever been before.

Many worry, though, that these new readers will not convert to the more hardcore, fleshed out posters like Bodhesatva, Dodece, RolStoppable or John Lucas, but rather will just change the forum in general to a much more casual, non-intelligent freak show where spam is what's for dinner....every night.   

All of those you listed have failed due to lack of posts. Spamming increases posts and thus making us better. Why can you not accept this Super? We have discussed this to death at least 4914 times. When someone posts, everyone goes to read it. The same applies to threads. But if you have little, you shall fail. Quantity> Quality. You know why they have failed yet you are just an elitist who likes the longer posts. What about when a posts becomes TOO long? Will you read it, or are you just skimming? Because let me tell you, skimming is one of the reasons posters fail, and when you make long posts you must skim. They are bringing about their own downfall.


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you