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Kage848 said:
aragod said:

Ok. This will be my last post to you. And I would not have made this one except i just wanted to point out rule #17: Can't compare Wii to the PS2, for some reason...=0)

And i don't think your totally wrong. But its more complicated than the 3rd parties not making good enough games or the Wii audiance being too casual. There advertiseing issues. There are also niche type of games that aren't going to sell millions no matter what. There is also the issue of 3rd parties having to contend with Nintendo's own games. I mean thats got to be tough no? Also theres 2 issues I think are holding the Wii back more than anything else. Online SUCKS! And the hardware is weak. The Wiis online needs to be better for Dev's to really make the badass hardcore games on it. Same goes for the limited power the machine has. But in order to reach the market the Wii was trying for they wanted to protect the 10yr olds from all the child molesters out there and needed a nice pricepoint for the machine. Because of the pricepoint they had to make it a bit weaker then maybe some of us would like. They can't aford to throw money away like Sony or MS.

Ok i went on a lot more than I wanted to there but there it is.

I know it's more complicated than that and I fully agree with the reasons you've pointed out. But some of them have bigger impact than others.

Online sucks, hardware is weak - yes, compared to HD twins yes. But that's not holding some titles to sell gangbusters. If you are Wii owner, your competetion is on the Wii, so it's fair race for everyone who's willing to participate. Wii has practicaly 50% marketshare, yet those 3rd party non casual new IP games sell less than comparable titles on HD twins. So what is(are) the main reason(s)?

Not enough marketing (advertising issues)

Niche titles

Lower quality titles

Casual / non gamer audience

Which problems can be adressed and which can't? Everything except the audience, you can hardly affect that if you are developer / publisher. Now if we took some of the games I've pointed out couple of pages before, we could try to find which one of these issues concerns given title most. But when you rule out Lower quality and Niche title, there isn't much excuses left to justify poor sales on the largest userbase, other than the casual / non gamer audience. Marketing and advertising is strong in the gaming community due to word-of-mouth, basically if given title is really great, it will find it's way (Demon's Souls for example).

Maybe I forgot something, but the logical conclusion for me is still the same:

The main reason why good "hardcore" games aren't selling well on the Wii is due to the mostly casual audience. There are other factors in place, but I feel that this is the most important one.

fyi Mario Kart Wii isn't really casual game in my book, I was thinking more about Mini game collections, sports, music games etc...

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising