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Renar said:

New member of VG here.

And having just bought into Soriku's posts, I see there are just too many for me to afford the time to read.  So I'm asking which are the best posts of Soriku's to read. 

Is post 999 really worth the POTTY (Post of the Ten Years) award?  I understand that GameSorikuSplat rank it only as 3.1415926535, saying that it was too much pie in the sky.  But of course, I don't go by the rantings, er, ratings.  I just read the reviews.



Welcome Renar! Have a seat. Let me fill you in on a couple things: Some people feel that there is a Soriku bias on this site ie: Leo-j and Soriku can both make the same comment, and the Soriku comment will be rated higher. This is not the case. Read both versions for yourself. You will quickly learn that Soriku's comments have a distinctive feel to them, and are generally more polished than Leo's. Soriku has a way of posting the same thing you've been reading for years, but making it seem fresh. (plus only Soriku has the "Soriku Seal of Quality") Many say that Soriku is all about casual mini-posts. That simply is NOT TRUE. Soriku has given us some of the best quotes of this generation. I highly recommend going back and reading them. Also, keep in mind, unless you're willing to pay for Leo-j's removed backwards compatability, Soriku is the only member that's 100% backwards compatible.