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Nintendo: Hmm, hard to say much they are doing so well. Its not that I think they are weak, rather they just moved their target demographic away from my tastes. IE: theyre good, I just dont like their current offerings. If they have one weakness, it would be their online system. Friend codes and such are years behind both XBL and PSN

MS: Storage format , lack of strong first party developer roster, and most of all - actual quality of the physical X360. Lack of X360 quality (RROD) is honestly why I did not buy one. I doubt I am alone. Sure they are ahead of Sony right now, but imagine how far ahead they could have been when PS3 was still 500$, had Xbox not been so well known for scratching your discs and just plain ole dying. I have been told that the quality perception also was a big hurdle in Japan, though who knows.... might just be something alot of Japanese use as an example when they wouldnt have bought one anyhow.

Sony: Launch. That one word pretty much sums it up. I think they have patched their weaknesses pretty well at this point, but its obvious that PS3 could have been brought to market much better than it was. At this point, their biggest weakness is probably their lengthy, troublesome and plain difficult certification process for PSN content and patches and etc. Apparently Sony takes forever, and makes developers jump through 1000 inane hoops to publish anything via PSN be it game, DLC or a simple patch. MS Moneyhatting is not by any means solely to blame for Xpansions and DLC coming late or not at all to PS3 versions of games, Sony itself takes a huge share. I believe a joke has been made on more than one occasion that taking a MS DLC timed exclusivity offer has no drawbacks because by the time Sony gets around to certifying it, the exclusivity period is already up.