I would compare it with poker.
A skilled player should win most of the time but sometimes that little bit of luck comes into it and you can get screwed over.
I'm not really good at the game because I hate the track design and so rarely play it.
I preferred the tight, twisting tracks of Super Mario Kart which is why it's still the best game of the series IMO.
Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720 XBOX GT: WICK1978 PSN: its_the_wick 3DS: 1676-3747-7846 Nintendo Network: its-the-wick
Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U
The best quote I've seen this year:
Angelus said: I'm a moron |