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I haven't had much time (February was exams month). Anyway:

Tales of Graces (Wii) - actually bought in December but due to Xmas shipping situation received end of January;
Probably right behind Tales of the Abyss regarding Tales games for me (with Abyss being my favourite). Love the battle system.

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)
It's more or less like the previous ones even with the third person view, but it didn't need anything revolutionary anyway. Great as it is, and sadly over now, eventhough I was saving it up for playing on the way to class.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope (PS3)
I was on the fence about getting this one in the first few months after release but ending up with no Wii for a week I went ahead and got it. And it's been fun. It's actually not irritating me (I was expecting that) and the battle system is fun enough to forgive the grindfest for quests.