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Well, my backlog's pretty huge, but of what I've played a bit...

Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (Wii, Capcom / 8ing) Holy fuck, AWESOME!  Looks great, plays even better, tons of additions, spectacular cast.   Probably the best game of Q1 so far, Versus is BACK.  I only wish I already had that CC Pro (damn you NOA!). Grade: A

Endless Ocean: Blue World (Wii, Nintendo / Arika) I loved the original, and this one already looks much better, has way more features and content, came with a free Wii Speak (uh, thanks?), and... SHARKS!  AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!11!1!  Grade: SHAAAARKS!!!!! ;_;

Shiren the Wanderer (Wii, Atlus / Chunsoft) I've barely scratched the surface, but it's already shaping up to my favorite roguelike (and probably the first one I'll complete given I'm so weaksauce).  Thank god for Atlus USA, everyone should go buy this asap! Grade: B

Bayonetta (Xbox 360, SEGA /Platinum Games): Basically what I expected; insane designs, plays like butter, class act all around.  Platinum's more than made up for (shitty, shitty) MadWorld with this imo.  My only complaint, it's kinda easy. :/ Grade: B+

Splotto! (DSiWare, Nintendo / Intelligent Systems) Best $2 I spent this year.  Simple but addicting. Grade: B

Reflect Missle (DSiWare, Nintendo / Q-Games) Deceptively deep, awesome soundtrack, criminally overlooked, "should be illegal" levels of addiction. Seriously, I could could not put this one down for weeks. Grade: A-  

Starship Defense (DSiWare, Nintendo / Q-Games) Holyshit, this one really surpassed all my expectations.  Basically the tower-defense game for people who hate tower-defense.  Really approachable learning curve, fantastic "graph paper" visuals, EPIC space opera score, good amount of freedom... really, really great game, and steal at $5.  Grade: A-

Dark Void Zero (DSiWare, Capcom / OtherOcean) Fun retro take on the formula that's actually better than the lol overbudget bomb HD mess!  Not as hard as most reviewers say and the controls are prefect. Grade: B-

Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares (Xbox Live DLC, Capcom) My date game of 2009 returns!  Awesome setting, but where's the zombies? :(  Makes me wish for a full HD REmake using the RE5 engine.  Nice price too! <3 Grade: B