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So we're into March now and the first two months of the year have flow by faster than the proverbial shit hitting the fan, I was wondering what games people had bought so far this year (they could have been released last year) and what your general feelings on them are (if you are going to give a rating be aware that the median average of a 0-10 scale is 5. So if I give something 5, I mean it is Average, not rubbish.)


Myself I have bought a couple of things:


Xbox 360

Mass Effect 2

I loved ME, so I also love ME2, but not quite as much as I thought I would. Initially, I thought this could possibly displace Uncharted 2 as my favourite game this generation, but for some reason it started to lose its appeal on my second play through, something that didn't happen with ME 1 (I think I've played that 5 times through or something). My reason for this is that I feel the game has become a little too much of a shooter (with Game mechanics that don't quite match Uncharted 2 or Gears of War 2) and that the Renegade path has been watered down to prevent any significant changes in the narrative from occurring (I imagine to ease Bioware's story telling burden). This second point being the biggest gripe with me. Anyway defintely a 8/10 for the sheer enjoyment almost 9/10, but still far from the perfect scores some reviewers were dishing out.



Heavy Rain 

Having just finished HR, I'm not 100% decided on exactly how to rate it. Certainly, it is different to every game I've played except Fahrenheit. Calling it a game is actually a misnomer anyway its definitely an interactive drama in my opinion. A very good one too.

Better than Fahrenheit by the virtues of looking better and having a story than doesn't go all Matrix at the end. Although having said that the last quarter of the game does collapse under the weight of its own story telling and a few glaring plot holes appear, which is a shame. 

Then there are the numerous bugs and glitches, which are indicative of a game that should have been released in May/June and not the end of February. To spend so long on a game and then rush it at the end seems to be quantic dream's style tho. An 8/10 again, but for different reasons to ME2.


Wii of yet. Now I'm not a hater of my Wii, but I want Nintendo to stop price fixing their damn Mario games then I will buy NSMBWii





So feel free to post your own list.