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  • Nintendo Shortage Wii-lly hurts Company  

  • Posted Dec 03 2007, 05:13 AM by Kim Peterson
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    I was shopping at a Best Buy in San Jose yesterday and here's what I found:

    Stacks of PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. When I asked where the Wiis were, a saleswoman gave a small snort and shook her head. The store was out.

    It's a common scenario across the country, and in Other parts of the world. A year after its release, the console that many expected would be in third place has become a hit of such proportions that people are still lining up overnight to buy one. I've had a Wii since its launch, and spent a good chunk of the weekend playing Super Mario Galaxy. This console definitely holds up over time....

  • Sony Screws Up Again with New PS3 

    Sony makes some historic blunders. One of the biggest was making digital music players that wouldn't play MP3s , the most popular digital music format. Those devices played Sony's own ATRAC format, which the company killed a few months ago. Sony hasn't learned from its mistakes. Consider the PlayStation 3 , the too-expensive game console that hasn't become the hit the company wanted. Sony's finally selling a cheaper PS3 in the U.S., just in time for the holidays. It'll cost $400, but will have only 40 gigabytes of storage -- half that of the standard version, which is getting a price cut to $500 from $600. That's fine. Some people don't need more than 40 gigs anyway in a video game system. But get this: the cheap PS3 won't play games made for the PlayStation 2 . That feature is called backward compatibility, and it's a dealbreaker. A typical PlayStation 2 owner probably has a nice library of video games. The new PS3 won't play any of them. It's not that Sony doesn't know how to add backward...

  • BAM! There it is!
    Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
    COD MW Reflex 541192229709