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I've seen plenty of reviews and posts about both games being fairly buggy, and the wife played on the same system.... Some examples, though, so you guys can know what I mean:

-Cole randomly tking cover against moving objects, then being drgged along "stuck" to them until teh game froze or he died.
-Couriers becoming stuck in architecture so they could neither be attacked nor could you fail the mission, but you then could not exit the mission, either.
-Cole landing waist-deep in the street and sticking there
-Enemies freezing in a "rag doll" state in the air from teh force blast power, and continuing to spasm there without dying, so you couldn't finish the fight to clear an area
-Cops in the "rescue the cops" mini-mission getting up after I revive them and shooting me, following me even if I run away, basically forcing a fail on the mission.

Since it was already a pretty derivtive story, and played too much like Spider-Man 3 (with many of the same more minor bugs), the graphics were unimpressive and even ugly at times (Spider-Man actually looked better....), and these glitches kept happening during story missions, I just gave up on it. I saw my wife finish it up, and come on... He's really the bad guy, from the future, and he made all this happen so that he would become the bad guy? That's almost as bad as his Batman voice, and I'm a comic book fan. I just thought it was a pretty awful story.

Heavy Rain, I seem to be one of the lucky ones, as I've only had one crash and a number of minor graphical bugs (screen tearing, loss of texture, and one sniper that is always hovering 3 feet above the building he's on). My issues with that game are just that it's a cliche ridden mess with plotholes you could drive a truck through, and my second playthrough is just revealing way too many other things wrong with it (just how little your decisions mean, for instance). Just really dissapointed with both.

I didn't say all my PS3 games were like that... Heavenly Sword, Little Big Planet, and Uncharted 2 all play fine and are all good games-- it's just these two that I'm really angry I even wasted money on (though, as I said, inFamous isn't as big a waste, since at least my wife liked it).

Personally, I would not have recommended it, though, and I see that the thread starter is kind of disspointed in his purchase as well... and he also seems to think the story was awful.