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This isn't neccassarily about new games or anything just about the games I'm currently playing or have tried. I skipped the 6th generation so I went back and tried playing some old Gamecube titles as well as a few other titles.

The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
Resident Evil 0
Xenosaga Episode I
Toshineden (Wii)
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Devil May Cry 1-3

After playing all these titles and being extremely dissappointed in each and everyone. (personally I think they're all shit) I don't even feel like playing games now. I just came out of three great titles in January (Innocent Aces, No More Heroes 2, Tatsunoko vs Capcom) so in February I played some old games and none were able to hold my interest. Zelda and Resident Evil were especially bad. I love Zelda and Windwaker looks beatiful but that boat just ruing the entire game. I remember loving the old style of Resident Evils and I thought RE4 was fun but over rated. So going back to the old style in RE0 I thought I would love it. Turns out its a slow and clunky mess and that dual partner shit is terrible.

Anyways dissappointment after disappointment just leaves a bad taste and I don't even feel like playing games right now which sucks (Fable: TLC being the exception though I can only play that in small bursts)

So have you ever gone through a shitty gaming period?